U.S. stocks moved, energy soared, commodity prices rose, and the stock market needed to focus on earnings reports.

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  • U.S. stocks moved, energy soared, commodity prices rose, and the stock market needed to focus on earnings reports.

International News

The volatility of U.S. stocks escalated in late trading last week. Bank stock performance was positive but was suppressed by geopolitical concerns and monetary policy expectations. The sharp rise in crude oil and gold prices drove the Cboe Fear Index VIX to once exceed the 20 mark during the day and approach high in May this year.

With less than three weeks to go until the Federal Reserve’s November resolution, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has made the game of Fed policy expectations more complicated. The disruption to market sentiment caused by renewed economic concerns may become the trigger for a new round of market turmoil.

This week’s (10·16-10·20) major economic data, events and company performance are as follows:

In terms of economic data, the United States will release September retail sales data, the number of initial jobless claims for the week, the US NAHB housing market index in October, the New York Fed manufacturing index, etc.; in China, China will announce China’s October LPR and third-quarter GDP annual rate. , the annual rate of total retail sales of consumer goods in September, the annual rate of industrial added value above designated size in September, etc.

In terms of events, the Federal Reserve will release the Beige Book on economic conditions; Federal Reserve Chairman Powell, Federal Reserve Board Governor Waller, New York Fed President Williams, Philadelphia Fed President Harker and others will give speeches; the State Council Information Office will hold a press conference on the operation of the national economy.

In terms of performance, US stocks Tesla, Netflix, TSMC, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, etc. will release financial reports; Hong Kong stocks Leap Motors, Fuyao Glass, Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and China Telecom will release results.